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meet the owners

the paysi twins

Nicole & NAKIA




For as long as I could remember, I’ve dealt with some form of dry skin; more specifically, eczema. After trying many ‘100% Dermatologist Approved’ products on the market to no satisfaction, I decided to go out on a whim and try something I’ve never done before - because how else will we know if something works if we never try it, right?


During my pursuit of higher education, I moved to Northern California where there were no easily accessible, naturally-made products for those who experienced dry skin. So, I would visit my hometown and buy all the natural oils and butters I could to last me until my next visit home. Eventually, I created my own butters with those products to combat the dry skin and eczema I was experiencing. With the assistance of a clean eating style, the butters I created helped my skin tremendously by returning to its natural state. My skin began to heal, feel smoother, even out, and show its natural glow. 


I couldn’t be more thrilled to share these naturally hand-crafted Butters with you and your loved ones on your journey. We know your skins will appreciate our Butters as they’ve been created with you in mind. We truly value you for trusting us with your skin. 


- Nicole






One day, I noticed my skin wasn’t as clear as I desired it to be. So, I took some time to find a mixture that would make my skin glowy and even-toned. Once I created the perfect butter, I wanted to share it with the world. So this is how Paysi’s Beauty became the thing. 

Now we have the perfect combination and I don’t have to worry about dry or oily skin ever again. It's the perfect mixture!

Our butters & oils have different ingredients to help most skin problems. And they aren't only for skin issues but for everyone to enjoy. For the ladies, men, babies and anyone who wants to make the planet better because they're pesticide-free products. Using no chemicals is what my sister and I strived for. Since the beginning of 2020, I’ve decided that I would help the planet by becoming a vegetarian, so it was only fair that I used products from nature on my skin as well. It just goes hand in hand and it works perfectly. I couldn’t have made a better decision. 

I hope that you guys enjoy our butters and everything else we have to offer. Also feel free to leave feedback. We want to know how our products has helped you on your skin care journey. 

- Nakia 

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